Peer Review Request - Acceptance Confirmation


Article Title:
The phytochemistry and biological activities of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn. with bibliometric analysis
Introduction: Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. is a medicinal plant holds cultural significance in traditional medicine in the family Oleaceae and genus Nyctanthes. This plant grows in the tropical and subtropical regions. This review covers the phytochemical composition, biological and pharmacological properties. With bibliometric analyses; research perspectives, productivity, key research trends helped to fill the gaps for the identification of future directions in the scientific exploration for N. arbor-tristis. Methods: Monographs, historical and contemporary records, pharmacopoeias, and electronic databases including Springer, AGRIS, SCI Finder, Europe PMC, CNKI, PubMed, J-STAGE, Wanfang DATA, Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (FRPS) were used. Published papers on Nyctanthes arbortristis L. were examined using bibliometric approach, focusing on countries, organizations, authors, and sources. The data were searched through the DIMENSIONS database and bibliometric analysis was performed using VOSviewer software. Results: The phytochemical analysis reveals the presence of diverse bioactive compounds which contribute to its medicinal attributes. The pharmacological investigations encompass a wide spectrum of therapeutic applications. Discussion/Conclusions: This study provided practical information to researchers who look for studies with potentially highly citation, and also would be helpful for researchers to conduct better researches, eventually could lead to more publications in this field. The data imply that Harshringar has high potential therapeutic value, and more research into its bioactive components is needed. We present a complete analysis of the scientific discoveries of Harshringar chemical constituents and their associated pharmacological actions in this paper.

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